Day by Day cartoon

Thursday, August 19, 2004

John F'n Kerry is an Empty Shirt!

I still am amazed that so many people can be swayed by this guy. It just boggles my brain. Here's just one more reason why he is unfit to be president.

Kerry's attendance record
A Bush-Cheney '04 ad released Aug. 13 accuses Kerry of being absent for 76% of the Senate Intelligence Committee's public hearings during the time he served there. The Kerry campaign calls the ad "misleading," so we checked, and Bush is right.
There's also this bit of truth-stretching (oh, wait- lieing!)
In their eagerness to dismiss the Bush ad's charges, Kerry campaign aides claimed that the senator had been vice chairman of the intelligence committee, which isn't true. In fact, former Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska was vice chairman of the panel for several years while Kerry was a more junior member of the panel. John Kerry left the committee in January 2001. He never served as vice chairman, a committee spokesman confirmed to us.
This is just one example of Kerry and his people twisting history to make this poser look like a real leader. What a dumbass!

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